SARA LANDINI | Teaching activities Since 2011 still on going Associate professor of Private Law at the University of Florence. 2006-2009 Professor by contract of Private Law University of Salerno 2008 – 2011 Professor by contract of Travel and tourism contracts University of FlorenceProfessor of Family and Succession Law at the University of Florence. Guest Lectures at University of Koeln, University of Oslo, Toyo University of Tokyo, Ritsumeikan University of Kyoto, University of Valencia, Elte University Budapest. Member of the PHD school of the University of Perugia, Esternal evaluator of PHD candidates at Exeter University, Pretoria University, Alma Mater – Unibo, Ca’ Foscari. She took part to Didel Project of the University of Florence on Elearning methodologies. She teaches also in professional courses. She coordinates and she is part of the teaching staff of the MOC realized under GoinEu Project. Research Activities: PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR of GoinEu and GoinEu Plus projects on the application of Regulation 650/2012, 1103-04 |
PAOLA LUCARELLI | Teaching Activities Ordinary Professor of Commercial Law at the University of FlorenceAnnual Course “Commercial Law”. Semestral Course “International Trade Law”. Semestral Course “Alternative Dispute Resolution and Conflict Mediation”. Post-lauream Courses in “Conflict Mediation”. Director of “Un Altro Modo”, Research and Training Centre for Relationship Management and ADR Culture. Research Activities Project Manager of the experimental Research on “Valutazione pre-processuale della lite e dispute system design: negoziazione, mediazione e atp in funzione conciliativa cittadino e pubblica amministrazione in conflitto per responsabilità extracontrattuale”;Member of the DGJustice Program: Contractualised Distress Resolution in the Shadow of the Law, Effective Judicial Review and Oversight of Insolvency and Preinsolvency Proceedings (Referent: Prof. Lorenzo Stanghellini). Project Manager of the experimental Research on the Mediation ordered by the Judge, “NausicaaI” and “NausicaaII”. |
CATERINA SILVESTRI | Teaching Activities Associate Professor of Civil Proceedings at the University of FlorenceIn 1999 she became a confirmed researcher in comparative private law and collaborated in the teaching of General Theory of Procedure and European Civil Procedure Law. In 2012 she obtained the qualification of associate professor in civil procedure law and in 2016 also in comparative law. Today, she is associate professor of civil procedure law and she teaches General Theory of Process, European Civil Procedural Law, Anglo-American Law. Research Activities She is member of the Unifi Staff of GoinEu and GoinEu Plus Projects. |
ANNA CARLA NAZZARO | Teaching Activities Ordinary Professor of Private LawShe teaches Privaty law and Children Rigts at the University of FlorenceShe got a deepen experience in post laurea professional courses. Research Activities She is member of the Unifi Staff of GoinEu and GoinEu Plus Projects. |
ANTONIO GORGONI | Teaching Activities Associate Professor of Private Law at the university of Florence. He teaches Private Law in the double degree Italy- Germany laurea, Family Law, at the University of Florence. Research Activities He is member of the Unifi Staff of GoinEu and GoinEu Plus Projects. |
SIMONA VICIANI | Research and teaching activities Researcher and Agregated Professor at the University of FlorenceShe held a course on european private law under IFTS project “Planning for production”, seat in Pistoia. She had a supply post relative to the teaching of the “Rights of subjects” at the Specialization School of Civil law, University of Camerino. At the Forense Trainig Shool “Cino da Pistoia” she gave lessons in civil law. Between 2010-2011, she has obteined the entrusting of adjunt professor of private law under the Magistral Degree of Scienza e tecnica dello Sport, University of Florence. She costantly works at the initiatives of the faculty concerning Job Placement and on 2011 she was nominated OJP Commission representative in CsaVri, and from the same year she is delegated for the placement at the Scuola di giurisprudenza, University of Florence. Since Dicember 2011 she has been an affiliate external member of Associazione Civilisti Italiani. Currently, she is adjunt professor of private law at Scienze Motorie, Sport e salute and at Scienze della sicurezza, University of Florence. Since a.a 2018/2019 she is adjunt professor, with a co-teaching, of Diritto privato I in SSG, University of Florence.She is member of the Unifi Staff of GoinEu and GoinEu Plus Projects. |